Welcome to Engage Learning

Engage Learning started with a question: Why are textbooks boring? So, we set out to answer that question by reading many of the textbooks available in India, Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia. We determined that those materials did not reflect most of those cultures. Students reading those books rarely saw people who looked like them or read about researchers from their countries. We also noticed that the books were really lists of facts.

So, we decided to reinvent educational materials. Engage believes that educational materials should not only teach important content but should act as both a window and a mirror on the world.

Students should be able to look through their learning materials to see both the world as well as their own backyards. They also need to see themselves in their learning materials. They need to envision themselves becoming the leaders of tomorrow. In order to do this they need to see experts who look like them.

Engage also believes that storytelling is essential to all learning. Most textbooks are little more than listings of facts. Engage teaches by telling important stories. Your curriculum is embedded in the storytelling. In this way, we create a more authentic learning experience.

Since our learning materials provide authentic learning experiences, they can be used in the classroom to teach the core curriculum. They can also be used in the home to extend the school curriculum so that students are successful.

Engage’s educational materials provide unparalleled depth of understanding. Textbooks provide mere lists of facts that pigeonhole content. All of our learning materials integrate the content so that students see connections between different subjects. They also relate what students are learning to what they experience in real life.

Our approach to educational materials is so unique that many schools and publishers have approached us to develop materials and programs for them. We are happy to work with you to develop materials that carry your brand. This provides a perfect match between our approach and your needs.


Combined, the three founders of Engage Learning have worked in publishing for more than 100 years.

FRANCIS DOWNEY Editorial Director
With more than 40 years of experience in education, Francis Downey has a long history of developing innovative educational products that have been used on six of the seven continents. He is best known for developing authentic educational programs that inspire independent learning.
LATA VASVANI Sales and Marketing Director
Lata began her career at India Book House and co-founded the Crossword chain of bookstores. Today, she works with schools and institutions to help them provide the best educational materials to their students.
Padmini was earlier Head of Publishing at India Book House. The company brought out illustrated books on the artistic and cultural heritage of India as well as children's books. Today, she supports the development and deployment of all content in print and digital formats.